
DNA results
I just received my DNA results from Ancestry.com. The results are as follows:Europe West 36%Ireland...

William Cromartie home
William Cromartie built his house near the bank of the South River in Bladen County,...

Hiroshima Anniversary
August 6, 2016 Today is the seventy-first anniversary of the atomic explosion that led to...

Henry Howland
Most of the Cromarties in the United States are descended from William Cromartie and Ruhamah...

The Trinity Nuclear Test
Nine days ago, the world celebrated the seventy-first anniversary of the first explosion of an...

86th Cromartie Reunion
The 86th Cromartie Reunion is being held Sunday October 11, 2015 at South River Presbyterian...

CDC Report on West Africa Ebola Outbreak
The CDC reports 1975 cases of Ebola with 1069 suspected deaths in the West Africa...

ZMapp treatment for Ebola
The Ebola Virus epidemic that began in March in West Africa now involves patients in...