William Cromartie home

William Cromartie built his house near the bank of the South River in Bladen County, North Carolina about 1760. The frame structure contained seven rooms, two of which were upstairs. There was also a kitchen made from logs, a spinning house, milk house, smoke house, log barn, and potato house. William’s son John inherited the house and in 1824 moved it and the other structures to higher ground about a half mile to the southwest by rolling them on logs using oxen. He also expanded and remodeled it. It burned in 1924. Robert Samuel Cromartie M.D. built a new house on the site. This presently unoccupied house sits on a hill on the west side of highway 701 just north of highway 41. The marker for the William Cromartie cemetery is located on the opposite side of highway 701.
Is this correct? It would seem that the intersection should be NC210 and NC41 if it’s about 1/2 mi southwest of the South River? I think that most of the Cromartie families in Bladen county now live closer to White Lake, right?
(I’m greatly interested in Scottish immigration in this area. I live in Wallace NC and had an ancestor, Robart(sic) Knols (now spelled Knowles) who settled on “Brown’s Sawmill Creek” in Elizabethtown “Bladen Precinct” in 1736. This is about 3 years prior to the large Scottish immigration to “Cross Creek” (Fayetteville) area and approx. 20 – 25 years prior to William Cromartie’s arrival.)
Thanks. The site for the marker for the William Cromartie cemetery is on the east side of highway 701 just north of highway 210.