Will of John Cromartie

Following is the will of John Cromartie who was the son of William Cromartie and who was born February 28, 1774 and died September 13, 1850.
Will of John Cromartie
State of North Carolina
Bladen County May 20, 1850
In the name of God “Amen”
I John Cromartie of the State and county of foresaid being of perfect mind and memory, Blessed be God first, do make this my last Will Testament in manner and form following.
I give and bequeath to my loving wife during her lifetime the use of all my lands with all the appurtenances Belonging thereto, and all the farming tools and utensils and all the household and kitchen furniture and all the cattle and sheep and hogs and four head of horses and two mules, and the poultry and one set of blacksmith tools.
I give and bequeath also the following named negroes. John, Joe, Grace, Milley, Comfort, Phoeby, Sarah, Joilian, Hardy, Lucy, Delia, Helen.
The above named negroes are to be equally divided among my children after the death of my wife except what shall be hereafter named.
I give and bequeath to my son W. J. Cromartie after the death of my wife, all my land with all the improvements therein with half the profits arising there from after my death should he furnish one half the labor that is required to make profits after my death.
I give him also after my death three negroes, Fortune, Calvin, and Caroline. Four cows, one mare named Cate, farm sheep after my wife’s death. I give him One negro named John – After the death of my wife, I give to my daughter Elizabeth Kirby one negro boy named Tom and two she had given her at her marriage and mass, And cows and Bed and Bed clothes –
After my death I give my daughter Jane Murphy* a negro girl named Elsy and two she had in possession named Rose and Daniel and some cows and bed and bed clothes.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary C. Fennel after my decease three negroes named Sam, Edith and Alexander, and four head of cattle, four head of sheep, a bed and bed clothes with child increase.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Brobston≠ two negroes named Virgil and Elsey and four head of cattle and four head of sheep and bed and bed clothes all of which she has in possession.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Harriet A. Sloan after my decease four negroes Andrew Milly and her two first born children and one bed and bed clothes and six head of cattle and four head of sheep all of which she has in possession.
I give to my daughter Ellen M. Cromartie three negroes named Isasac, Eliza, Isabel, and one bed and, bed clothes, and four head of cattle and four head of sheep with child increase.
Very interesting, Sam. Great incite into the life of yours and Bill’s ancestors.