
Acceptable Risk by robin Cook
Acceptable Risk by Robin Cook is a medical thriller about a woman descended from a victim...

Love Hath Eyes by Rose Lorraine Hodge
Love Hath Eyes by Rose Lorraine Hodge is a sweet memoir about the author’s childhood in...

Promise Me by Harlan Coben
Promise Me by Harlan Coben is a Myron Bolitar novel about two teenage girls who...

The Other Extreme by T J MacGregor
The Other Extreme by T J MacGregor is a thriller about Kit, a woman lawyer defending...

Sorry and Morticum by Charles Stoll
In Sorry and Morticum, Charles E Stoll creates a futuristic world damaged by global warming...

Janelle by Patty Hoffman
Janelle by Patty Hoffman is a story of a woman’s love for an alcoholic husband. It...

Spencerville by Nelson DeMille
Spencerville by Nelson DeMille is the story of a cold-war warrior who leaves government service after...